Wednesday, 29 August 2018

The true about Essiac in cancer treatment

Most of the websites that promote Essiac (herbal medicine) use unsupported opinions and anecdotal evidence.
The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre tested Essiac in the laboratory. They found it had no anti cancer properties.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the U.S tested Essiac several times. Their testing found that Essiac had no anti cancer effects. One study in 2006 found that when Essiac was added to breast cancer cells in test tubes, it stimulated the cancer cells to grow. 
The CAM-Cancer organisation reviews scientific research evidence. In 2011, they looked at all the reviews about Essiac and Flor Essence. They couldn’t find any well carried out clinical studies and said that some of its ingredients could cause harm.
Researchers in the USA in 2009 also reviewed all studies into Essiac and Essiac preparations. They found there were no well carried out clinical trials to show that Essiac can help with cancer. 
We need to run well designed clinical trials to test Essiac and its individual herbs to test if Essiac works or is safe for people with cancer.

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