Friday, 31 August 2018

Why people with cancer use ACUPUNTURE

Image result for ACUPUNCTUREOne of the main reasons people with cancer have acupuncture is to relieve sickness caused by chemotherapy or other cancer drugs.

Acupuncture is available in most hospitals, hospices and clinics. People are often referred because they have pain or other symptoms such as:

  • tiredness and weakness (fatigue)
  • a dry mouth
  • breathlessness
  • hot flushes due to anti-cancer treatments
    Some people also say that acupuncture helps them feel relaxed and improves their feeling of wellbeing.

Obesity is a risk factor for several type of cancer. Check your body mass index using the online calculator below and discover yourself what it is your risk!

If you have a cough that last several weeks or coughing up blood, visit your physician to rule out any serious disease.

Check out the symptoms associated to lung cancer which are similar in males and females:

a cough that lasts longer than a few weeks

coughing up blood


chest pain

pain when breathing or coughing

shortness of breath


frequent lung infections, such as pneumonia or bronchitis, due to the cancerous cells obstructing the airways

atelectasis, which is the collapse of the lungs after cancer has blocked the airways